Friday, November 21, 2008

Pretty good class

Today we just went over test stuff.

I went over a lot of deflection and block stuff while my instructor hit me with a foam baton thing.

I learned one of the Advanced White Belt Defenses called Chasing the Storm or something. It's for if somone is doing an over head swing with a weapon or whatever. It's pretty neat.

Other than that it was pretty good. My instructor thinks I am pretty solid in my stuff and told me he liked how I was getting my stances really deep. But he also told me not to sacrifice balance to get them deep, so I will have to find the happy medium.

Until next time,


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another good day at Kung Fu

Today was pretty average. We opened up with a crazy workout thing. Instructor set this buzzer thing and when it went off we had to do pushups then sit ups then squats then jumping jacks looping it until he said stop.

That was the warm up. We ended up standing in Horse Stance for a good amount of time as well and went over our test stuff.

The warm up was awesome. The rest of class was average.

That's about it. 2 more weeks and I will get to test for White Belt!

Until next time,


Friday, November 14, 2008

More Test Practice

Today we did some more work to further refine our techniques for testing. We started with working on our strikes by hitting punching bags. It is surprising how much you can take out on one of those things and it never cares when you hit it.

After that we worked on our forms, I went as far as I knew then had to stand in Horse Stance for the remainder of the form while the higher belts finished off their section of it.

Next came stances, I had to stand in Cat Stance while the remainder of the class went on with their stances.

Then we did Defenses. I more or less practiced Deflecting Hammer on a punching bag. Elbow strikes as hard as I could on it. It was incredibly relieving hitting it so hard. That is the only thing I really have to tweak the most for the test, it's the one defense I usually screw up or don't get completely correctly. After I got it pretty solid, my instructor asked if there was anything else I felt weak about and I said no. So he let me just do whatever for the last few minutes. So I practiced Deflecting Hammer some more on the bag.

Overall it was a good physical class today. Even though I didn't hit anything other than a punching bag.

That's pretty much it for tonight, farewell all.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Practice Test

Today we had a practice test. It wasn't too hard, I learned another guy in my class is probably as big a Jet Li fan as I am.

The practice test went no belt form/stances. Then White Belt forms/Stances etc. through the belts. After that we continued basically through our curriculum. The only thing I didn't know were leg lifts which I never learned.

The other guy in the class(Jason) is pretty much on the same page as I. Though all of the No Belts there during the practice test were definitely ready for our White Belts. I can't wait I am really excited!

I am going to go back to watching Hero now(Jet Li) thanks for reading!


Friday, November 7, 2008

I was the No Belt teacher for today!

Just as the title says, I was the no belt teacher for today! :D

I taught 2 new guys pretty much everything that we need to know for our tests. The instructor says I am solid in my stances and all my stuff so hopefully that means I am ready for the test.

I found out that the test will be 25 dollars for the belt this time around. 25 dollars isn't too bad however, as I have read about other people paying upwards of 100 dollars for their tests so I can't complain about the 25 dollars.

I feel really confident in my ability to test everything we learned thus far. So I am gonna be fine with that. I am just pretty excited I suppose to finally be taking my first real step into the world of Martial Arts.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Class

This has been my 8th Class and it was just as amazing as it was when I started!

We have gotten 3 newer people than I since I started and we have our White Belt tests soon(Week of Dec. 1). So far the only real locks on testing is a guy named Jason and I. It seems that we have all of our stuff the most solidly down.

Today we broke up into groups and helped the newer people and refined our own technique. It was a great use of our time and we did an attack circle so that was kind of fun.

We stayed for a little while longer after class too and decided to assist the newer people even more with the techniques. A couple of them are doing really well with learning the techniques a couple others it was their first day and still one more who has been there longer than I needs more work.

Overall, it was a great class, I learned a lot and I can't wait to test for my White Belt!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Good Class

We worked on everything from top to bottom of what we are going to have to do for our White Belt tests.

It shouldn't be too bad, the instructor said I am ready to test now. The test is on the week of December 1st. Shouldn't be too bad. I feel I am ready for it now so we will see what happens.

My biggest thing will be remembering the names of everything and knowing what is what. Not doing it, or remembering how to do it, but remembering it so that when a name is called I will know what it is. I will figure it out I am sure.

Until next time,
