Today was pretty good work out. I chatted with Darin a little and then once class started I was referred to as "Speed Demon" because I can run really fast.
Then we did an exercise and when the instructor called our number we had to the other side of the mat and then back and then go back to exercising again. It was a good warm up, but I have a serious problem over doing myself when I run so that made me almost throw up.
After our warm up we proceeded to work on our defenses which are as follows:
-The Grasp
- Choke Hold with the choker on the left.
-Attacking Mace
- 2 Handed shirt grab
-Mace of Aggression
- Step right, punch right
-Sword and Hammer
- Right/Left Shoulder grab
-Checking the Storm
- Overhead Attack with a weapon
They are pretty easy, but today I had a hard time remembering them. Mostly because the holidays have left me unpracticed and almost forgetting most of the stuff I needed to remember. Luckily I remember the form though because I have done it probably a million and one times. He said that we all know the defenses, it's just a matter of clearing out the little things. That is it for tonight, I hope you all had a great holiday and may your New Year be filled with everything you wanted and some surprises. Good night all.