Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Review Day

Today was pretty basic, I usually go in early so I get to watch the advanced kids class which is fun sometimes and on wednesdays if I go I watch the Aikido dudes throw each other around.

Anyway, today I got there and watched the other class until my class came up.

Today was a big review. The group of White Belts and I all worked on all the stuff we need for the test, as well as the defenses from White Belt as a refresher.

Testing next week! I can't wait, I am pretty excited about it, it's my next big step into the world of Kung Fu :D

Until next time...


Friday, January 23, 2009

Good Day

We all split up and got to pretty much do our own thing today. It was cool because I went over everything I felt I needed to on my own and really worked everything I could remember.

I went back to the first belt and stuff and then worked on my stuff from now. Then I worked kicking drills and some balance drills. I really just did everything. From day one until now. It was pretty cool.

I did my form really slow, then I would do it normal speed, then I would do it as fast as possible. I did the stances nice and deep and slowly. I have pretty much everything down, not perfect, but definitely ready to test in 2 weeks.

At the end of class when in the closing line Billy told me that I have basically been ready for a while now and that I will definitely be ready to test when it comes time. I can't wait, I am REALLY excited to be moving forward in this! It's so cool to think about it!

Anyways though, until next time...


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Regular Day

Well, today was easy to say the least. But I learned that I will be testing in a couple weeks :D

It's going to be the week of February 3rd I believe he said but enough of that.

We spent the class going over the curriculum all the way from defenses up to combinations. So it was a pretty uneventful day.

The warm up was the hardest part probably, hah.

It looks like we will be having a couple of new people to the class too, which is cool. We'll see what happens though.

Until next time!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Balance Drills and Some Forms Work

Today we did a lot of balance drills for our balance while kicking. I still am incredibly bad at balancing on my left foot, but it has gotten noticeably better.

After that my instructor put a stick across out legs to make sure our horse stances were flat and low. Then we went to kicking drills and ran over our stances and form. That was pretty much the entire class though.

Sorry for posting about 4 days late. It slipped my mind to post. Oh well.

Until next time.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting things ready to test

Today we went through all of the White Belt to Advanced White Belt Defenses as well as the 8 Stances and the Basic Movement Form. 

I am doing pretty well I think, but I am far from perfection on these movements.

Not much else to say, Until next time...


Friday, January 9, 2009

Kicking and Balance Drills

Today I worked a lot on balance and my kicks.

I worked Lead leg round and side kicks as well as rear leg round and side kicks. I have a lot of balance issues with both of those kicks, but I got progressively better as I practiced them, I have some drills to work on to help me as well with those.

My round kicks I kept wanting to pull up my toes, but I am supposed to keep my foot flat so I worked that as well. I think I finally got it though. Then I went to working with a bag, kicking it and such. Billy seemed pretty pleased with them at the end of the day and wanted me to start kicking higher. So I got higher(or as high as I could). He also gave me a couple of drills to get my kicks to be higher so I will be working those too.

At the end of the class he was telling us about our next test dates. He said that I am basically ready to test, but I personally don't feel ready yet. Not with my kicks anyway, I need some more work with them. We'll see. If they think I am ready then I am all for it, plus it's not like it's next week or anything.

During the next few weeks I am going to be working really hard on my balance and keeping my feet flat when I do the round kicks. I should be all set in time to test. Until next time!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Good Class

Today was pretty good work out. I chatted with Darin a little and then once class started I was referred to as "Speed Demon" because I can run really fast. 

Then we did an exercise and when the instructor called our number we had to the other side of the mat and then back and then go back to exercising again. It was a good warm up, but I have a serious problem over doing myself when I run so that made me almost throw up.

After our warm up we proceeded to work on our defenses which are as follows:

-The Grasp
- Choke Hold with the choker on the left.
-Attacking Mace
- 2 Handed shirt grab
-Mace of Aggression
- Step right, punch right
-Sword and Hammer
- Right/Left Shoulder grab
-Checking the Storm
- Overhead Attack with a weapon

They are pretty easy, but today I had a hard time remembering them. Mostly because the holidays have left me unpracticed and almost forgetting most of the stuff I needed to remember. Luckily I remember the form though because I have done it probably a million and one times. He said that we all know the defenses, it's just a matter of clearing out the little things. That is it for tonight, I hope you all had a great holiday and may your New Year be filled with everything you wanted and some surprises. Good night all.
