Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Form, Strikes, Defenses a hard days work

Welcome back to the blog!

I had regular old school today English/Trigonometry. Then I came home and was bored for a little while and couldn't wait for my martial arts class.

I almost didn't make it to class in time, but alas I made it just barely.

Today I learned the form I am going to need for my White Belt. It's fun and I seem to be doing pretty well on it. After the form I learned my strikes.

-Lead Front Kick
-Lead Side Kick
-Rear Front Kick
-Rear Side Kick

Those are all of them that I need to know so far I guess. I also learned the defenses for White Belt.

-Defense for Push
-Defense for Shirt Grab
-Defense for Bear hug
-Defense for Front Kick

I am learning them all pretty fast(or so they tell me) so who knows what will happen next!

Until next time, later


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