Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today I had my Advanced White Belt test and I did awesomely!

Woot! I am so happy I got to do it. It didn't take too too long which is good too. After the test I learned Kata Dai Ichi. One of the new forms. It is incredibly basic but kind of hard at the same time, it's weird but great none the less.

Sifu said that he was pleased with my hard work and that I am doing really well. So I am pretty happy about that. It's nice to hear it from him. I practice really hard and I try really hard to be the best I can be. It seems to be paying off.

I am pretty excited for the next step and I am going to order some kung fu shoes so I can practice at home in the basement better. That way I can keep up with it better as well and train easier when I can't go to class or when I am not there. But anyway...

Until next time...


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