Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Little late post

Today there was only 2 of us in class so we just did whatever we needed to do.

I learned all 5 of the defenses for Advanced White Belt and I got a paper to help me remember them. They are quite a bit more complex than the White Belt ones, but I think I am making good progress. I just need to practice against the air at home. The one that has me the worst is where I have to step left and punch right, my body doesn't get the power I think it needs from that punch. I also need to work both sides of the defense for if the attacker gets your shoulder. I am pretty solid on the right side, but my left is incredibly weak. Gotta work on that.

I also got some tips on some areas I need to work on a little more with the Form. I need to pay special attention to the transitions between a few of the motions as well as make sure my stances are correct. After that I need to work on my regular 8 stances and get them solid and lower.

After that of course I can work on fluidity. However, I feel the need to perfect all the little things before I connect them. The form is getting there, the defenses not so much yet. I have plenty of time though, so it's not a big deal.

That is gonna do it for tonight, good night everyone! It's 3:15 am here and I am beyond tired.


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